BBL HERO® treats skin conditions associated with aging, sun damage, and acne. This corrective phototherapy treatment utilizes pulses of light energy to gently heat the skin’s surface. This process induces the body’s natural healing process for improved elastin and collagen production.

BBL HERO® Key Benefits:
Decreases Sun Damage, Diminishes Redness, Improves Skin Tone, and Minimizes Pores + Fine Lines. BBL HERO® can be done year-round, even in the summer months. There is no-to-low pain and minimal downtime.

All About Sciton BBL Hero®

Decreases Sun Damage, Diminishes Redness, Improves Skin Tone, and Minimizes Pores + Fine Lines. It can also be done year-round, even in the summer months. There is no-to-low pain and minimal downtime.