nterviewer: Let's talk about a technique that you use when injecting fillers, and it is a better option than the traditional syringe?

Respondent: Well, when I injection the fillers, I have adopted a technique using a device called a cannula. What a cannula is basically it's a long, skinny tube. I've got one here. It looks very much like a needle, if you can see that, but you can see, I'm touching here, it's not sharp on the end. It's dull. It's very fine. It's got the same caliber as a needle, but you can see it's flexible. I'm pushing my finger on it here, and it's not puncturing my finger.

That's very important, because this allows me to penetrate the tissues without lacerating them, so we don't get cuts of the blood vessels and a lot more bruising and swelling and bleeding. We don't have multiple needle stick marks where fillers can leak back out through the needle tracks. Because of the feel that you can get when using these cannulas to injection the fillers, I think you can recognize the plane that you're in, the depth that you're injecting. For me, it affords a lot more accuracy. I've really gotten away from using needles when I inject fillers. I think that's still a very bona fide technique.

There is a little bit of a learning curve involved with using the cannulas, but for those injectors that have gone that extra mile, I think it really helps avoid a lot of the problems that we have when we use the needles, things like bruising and swelling, pain, inadvertent injection into blood vessels where we might have catastrophic complications like loss of parts of the skin or blindness, those kind of things, are to a large part avoided by using the cannula.

Facial Filler Technique Using a Cannula

Dr. Joseph Grzeskiewicz explains why he has adopted a technique of using a cannula when injecting facial fillers as opposed to a needle.