The reason why I am so excited about CoolSculpting is partly because what it's done for me. I have targeted all those areas where the fat is resistant or I've to get too thin to actually lose it and created an hourglass figure where I had never had one. CoolSculpting actually is the only noninvasive technology that does exactly what liposuction does. It removes the entire cell wall. By removing the cell wall, you are less likely to regain fat in that area. This is a permanent fat reduction as long as you maintain your weight and diet where you are right now. It differs from liposuction in all the very best ways. There is no scars, no incisions, no downtime, no compression garments, no anesthesia. All of the positives, none of the negatives. It's that simple.

CoolSculpting works through a process called cryolipolysis, freezing your fat cells very simply. It uses a vacuum suction applicator that draws any tissue that you can grab and pinch and pull away from your body into the applicator. Once it's frozen, your body breaks them down and then eliminates it just as it would any waste in your body. Lot of people want to know how long CoolSculpting takes actually and that depends on what areas of the body you want to treat. If for instance you want to treat your love handles, each one of those would be one hour hooked up to the machine. Here at Chelsea Cosmetics we have two machines so what's so exciting about that is we can treat both of those at the same time. What used to be a two-hour treatment is now a one-hour treatment, which works out best for everyone.

This is a perfect demonstration of the area that we want to treat. There's the height of the bulge. That's where the cooling panels are. That's exactly where the applicators going to go, just like that. I think this is going to be fine once this is reduced because that's going to smooth everything out.

CoolSculpting For Fat Loss: "All of the Positives, None of the Negatives"

CoolSculpting expert Jeannel Astarita (from the office of Dr. Joseph Eviatar) explains how CoolSculpting works and what patients can expect from the procedure.