When I meet women for breast augmentation, some of them them are looking for an improvement in their breasts and are very concerned about some of the complications with implants or the need to replace them at some point in the future. They're more willing to accept the size limitations, have a very natural result this implant brings. For women who really want a full cup size or more increase, they're going to be very disappointed with fat grafting.

Certainly for some patients, putting them together can provide an ultimate results for a woman who really wants a natural result, and I have a lot of women who choose to do this. They'll use say one of the Sientra anatomically shaped implants, and it provides a very natural contour to the top portion of the breast and add fat grafting to the cleavage region so that that area looks very natural. This provides really, really nice results. And they get rid of their thighs, so it's kind of a win-win all around.

Breast Augmentation Options: Implants or Fat Grafting

There are two different types of breast augmentation patients, explains Dr. Kamakshi Zeidler, and one will prefer a breast implants and the other will prefer fat grafting to the breast. Which one are you?