Portrait Plasma Skin Regeneration: What You Need to Know

Written byMegan DeemUpdated on June 13, 2023
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Written byMegan DeemUpdated on June 13, 2023
You can trust RealSelf content to be unbiased and medically accurate. Learn more about our content standards.

Portrait Plasma Skin Regeneration (PSR) is an FDA-cleared device that delivers energized nitrogen gas, through a handpiece, to resurface the skin. The deep thermal energy released during a Portrait Plasma Skin Regeneration session stimulates the growth of new collagen and elastin. The treatment is used to address wrinkles and fine lines, skin laxity, texture, and hyperpigmentation on the face, neck, chest, and hands. It was manufactured by Rhytec, though that company has since declared bankruptcy.

“Unlike lasers, which use light energy to target a specific component of the skin, such as water, hemoglobin, or pigment, this device uses pulses of ionized inert nitrogen gas to alter structures below the surface of the skin, creating conditions for regeneration and improvement in wrinkles, acne scarring, skin texture, tone, and discoloration,” says Newport Beach, California, plastic surgeon Dr. Larry Nichter. “This technique preserves the skin’s outer layers, which act as a protective biological dressing until new skin regenerates.” Dr. Nichter also says that clinical studies show improvements for as long as a year after treatment.

Portrait is not ideal for all skin types, however. “PSR treatments, like other resurfacing modalities, are most effective and safest in Fitzpatrick skin types 1–3 [pale to moderate tanning ability],” says Fort Myers, Florida, facial plastic surgeon Dr. Stephen Prendiville in a RealSelf Q&A. “Patients with greater pigmentation are at greater risk for hyper- or hypopigmentation.”

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  • Portrait treatments typically aren’t painful.
  • Skin-tightening results can continue for up to a year.
  • A Portrait treatment is relatively quick, even for the full face.


  • Recovery from a Portrait session can last a week or more.
  • Portrait is not a good resurfacing treatment for people with dark skin.
  • Rhytec, the manufacturer of Portrait, declared bankruptcy in 2011, so there’s no longer any company to provide service, support, or improvements for the device. 
  • The treatment has an unusually low “Worth It” Rating on RealSelf, due to side effects that may last for years. Results seem to be extremely dependent on provider technique, so be wary and choose a doctor or plastic surgeon with proven results. One RealSelf member says, “Eight years post-Portrait, I am left with two one-inch white scars on the left side of my face from the open wound and gross overtreatment of the Portrait procedure. All of the pores on my nose are permanently huge, and there are several small, hard lumps on each side of my nose. Even though I use sunscreen daily and wear a visor or hat all the time, the brown spots have all returned. I have more damage to my skin than I had before I had the Portrait procedure.”
  • According to several RealSelf member reviews, it can be quite painful.

A full-face Portrait session takes about 30 minutes. The treatment is available at three energy levels.

  • At the lowest, PSR1, you’ll need three to four sessions, spaced one month apart.
  • At levels PSR2 and PSR3, you’ll need just one visit to achieve results, but your recovery will be longer—and your physician may add an oral pain medication to your treatment and recovery protocol. 

A topical anesthetic is applied to numb the skin beforehand. While some people feel only a slight warming of the skin, it can be very painful for some patients.

After your Portrait Plasma Skin Regeneration session, you may experience redness, peeling, itching, or scabbing. This can last up to a week or two. If you have a high-energy treatment, your skin may be pink for up to a month, although this can be covered with makeup. 

Your skin may appear tighter immediately, and this tightening effect may continue for up to a year. Follow-up treatment for a high-energy Portrait session is usually done at the one-year mark.

Interested in a Portrait treatment?

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Updated June 13, 2023



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