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*Treatment results may vary

I'm having the procedure done for dimpling on...

I'm having the procedure done for dimpling on Buttocks and Thighs, in addition, my calves are being done for skin tightening... Keep you posted on results, I'm doing 3 sessions on each area, however, the thigh area is divided into 3 sections. For a total of 15 appointments. Pictures and measurements were taken, I'll have full results soon.

Velashape III Thighs, Calves and Buttocks - Elk Grove, CA

I'm having the procedure done for dimpling on Buttocks and Thighs, in addition, my calves are being done for skin tightening... Keep you posted on results, I'm doing 3 sessions on each area, however, the thigh area is divided into 3 sections. For a total of 15 appointments. Pictures and measurements were taken, I'll have full results soon.
It hurts, however, I closed my eyes and pictured Amal Alamuddin legs and clinched the corner of my pillow and recited positive affirmations.

Velashape III

Great Doctor, however, the skin is so loose my expectations of less dimpling and skin tightening did not happen :(

Provider Review

Dr. Mahmoud Khattab
Overall rating
Doctor's bedside manner
Answered my questions
After care follow-up
Time spent with me
Phone or email responsiveness
Staff professionalism & courtesy
Payment process
Wait times

Elk Grove Medical Spa is the BEST! Dr. Mahmoud Khattab's patience and demeanor are exceptional and the staff are very personable. I'm so excited to have found my new BPF = Best Physician Forever, I wish I found Dr. Khattab sooner, after wasting $3,000, with Laser & Skin Surgery Center of Northern California, it s a novelty to find a Doctor with INTERGRETY =)))