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*Treatment results may vary

I have a very large tattoo outline that I am...

I have a very large tattoo outline that I am trying to get removed. It will probably take over a year to finish, so I'm taking it slow. I want to see how my skin reacts to treatments.
I've decided to try the tattoo vanish removal process. Here's my story!
This is one day after the procedure. Note the red color is my own blood, the solution that is applied to the tattoo is clear.

One week after first procedure

It's been a week and one day and here is what it looks like. I'm struggling to keep the scab on for two weeks. I haven't got it wet at all, but it's peeling and coming off on its own.
You can defiantly see fading already.

Update - 4 months later

It’s been 4 months since my first tattoo vanish treatment. I had a test spot on my leg and my back.
Here are the results.
Notice I have some hyper pigmentation.
They keep telling me it will go away in about 6 months, but I’m skeptical. These results are making me nervous.
Also, because I found out I was pregnant shortly after my treatment, the darkening around the treated areas might just be because of my hormones at the moment. We will see!
I am going to take the Dr.’s advice and try Picosure laser removal after my baby is born in January.