Hattiesburg Clinic of Plastic Surgery

421 S. 28th Ave., Ste. 110, Hattiesburg, Mississippi

Hattiesburg Clinic of Plastic Surgery

421 S. 28th Ave., Ste. 110, Hattiesburg, Mississippi



Richard Pecunia, MD, FACS
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

Founded the Plastic Surgery Department of Hattiesburg Clinic in 1994. Specializing in a broad spectrum of plastic, cosmetic and reconstructive procedures.

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22 Q&A

Q: Almost 40 & insecure about labia - would I benefit from labiaplasty? (Photos)
Answered by Dr. PecuniaMay 31, 2022

A: you are definitely a candidate for a labiaplasty. You will do well and it will be life changing for you. Good luck!

Q: Could I be a candidate for a TT without muscle fascia repair? (Photo)
Answered by Dr. PecuniaMay 31, 2022

A: Certainly you can have a revision TT without additional muscle repair if you desire, especially if you had muscle repair the first time. Unless your recent pregnancy has caused re separation of the muscle, you could avoid it. I would talk to your doctor and make it clear that you would like to avoid this if possible. You may come to an agreement with him or her that you only want it done if it is absolutely necessary

Q: Seroma treatment? What are my options? (Photo)
Answered by Dr. PecuniaMay 31, 2022

A: Seroma development after tummy tuck is very common. I agree with your doctor that compression, aspiration, and surgical removal are good options. In my experience, compression alone generally is not enough to resolve the seroma unless the body also absorbs it itself. My recommendation is to try to find someone who would be willing to aspirate this for you to remove it. It may take several times but that may avoid additional surgery

Q: What can be done about my protruding labia? (Photo)
Answered by Dr. PecuniaMarch 30, 2022

A: You appear to be an ideal candidate for a labiaplasty. This will allow better contour of this area and improve your self-confidence. Should be noted however that a labiaplasty does nothing to increase your vaginal tone or decrease looseness. Other procedures are available for this such as ThermiVa.

Q: BMI of 42: am I a candidate for tummy tuck/extended tummy tuck and Brazilian Butt Lift? (photos)
Answered by Dr. PecuniaMarch 30, 2022

A: You are correct that your BMI is somewhat high, but based on your examination and your overall health, you may find a surgeon who would be willing to take on your case. The opportunity to improve the abdominal area would allow you to have a tummy tuck. Additional procedure such as BBL may be prohibitive but possible as long as you understand the increase risks involved