Venus Bliss MAX: What You Should Know

Written byEmily OrofinoUpdated on June 13, 2023
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Written byEmily OrofinoUpdated on June 13, 2023
You can trust RealSelf content to be unbiased and medically accurate. Learn more about our content standards.

Fast facts

100% Worth It rating based on 29 reviews

$2,375 average cost

No downtime

No anesthesia

Venus Bliss Max Mobile copy
Venus Bliss Max Mobile copy

Venus Bliss MAX is a nonsurgical body contouring, skin tightening, and muscle toning treatment system created by Venus Concept. 

Also called the TriBody system, this three-in-one device is FDA-cleared for:

  • fat reduction on the back, abdomen, thighs and flanks
  • cellulite reduction on the thighs, buttocks, and abdomen
  • muscle conditioning and toning for biceps, triceps, abdominal and oblique muscles, glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps

Fat reduction, skin tightening or cellulite reduction treatments, and muscle toning can be done as standalone treatments or in one longer treatment session, for more dramatic results.

Muscle toning and conditioning 

The FlexMAX EMS applicators send targeted energy to the nerves in muscle, causing them to rapidly contract. 

This technology, called electrical muscle stimulation (EMS), targets seven muscle groups with treatments that can be customized to your fitness and comfort level. Unlike magnetic muscle stimulation (MMS) treatments, the energy is focused entirely on the muscle layer.

Each treatment session can target two muscle groups at once, with up to four applicators. 

As your muscles become stronger and more conditioned, the intensity can gradually ramp up to as many as 100,000 contractions per treatment session (compared to up to 24,000 contractions per session with Emsculpt NEO). 

Along with improving muscle tone and definition, the treatment can improve athletic performance.

Fat reduction

Unlike surgical liposuction, Venus Bliss MAX is a noninvasive laser lipolysis procedure that eliminates unwanted fat cells without incisions, anesthesia, or downtime. 

Diode laser applicators that send laser energy below the skin’s surface, to heat the fat cells. Without damaging the skin or other tissue, the heat damages fat cells to the point that they die, and the body’s natural metabolic process removes them over time. 

Skin tightening

To firm skin and reduce the appearance of cellulite, Venus Bliss MAX uses a combination of thermal multi-polar radio frequency, pulsed electro-magnetic fields, and massage. 

This stimulates new collagen and elastin formation, increases blood flow, and promotes lymphatic drainage, for smoother and younger-looking skin. 


  • Venus Bliss MAX offers three treatment technologies in one device, a combination that Venus Concept calls the TriBody system. Each can be performed separately, but combining all three can address cellulite, lax skin, stubborn fat, and muscle tone in a single treatment session.
  • Treatments are relatively quick, when performed individually. A fat reduction treatment session takes around 25 minutes, skin tightening and cellulite reduction treatment is approximately 20 minutes, and a muscle toning treatment takes 30 minutes. 
  • Venus Bliss MAX is safe for patients of all skin types and tones.
  • It’s reportedly not painful. In the clinical study, patients rated their level of discomfort at an average of 2.3 on a scale of 0-10 (though 38% did say it was moderately uncomfortable). 
  • It’s possible to see results after just one appointment, especially if all three treatment options are combined. 
  • Unlike surgical liposuction, it doesn’t require incisions or anesthesia, and it comes with no downtime. 
  • No significant side effects have been reported.


  • You may have mild redness, tenderness, or swelling at the treatment site for about 3 days after your treatment (or, in very rare cases, as long as 10 days), though you’ll be able to go about your normal activities. 
  • As with other noninvasive treatments, results aren’t immediate: optimal results develop over three to six months. It takes that long for the body to naturally dispose of damaged fat cells, or for new collagen, elastin, and muscle fibers to form.
  • Most patients will need multiple Venus Bliss MAX treatment sessions for optimal results—three for lipolysis, six for muscle toning, and eight for skin tightening—with follow-up treatments to maintain results. 
  • Results will also be more subtle than those you’d see from surgical procedures like liposuction, so it’s important to have realistic expectations. 
  • Not everyone is a good candidate: Venus Bliss MAX is FDA-cleared for patients with a BMI of 30 or less.
  • Nonsurgical treatments like this one aren’t good solutions for severe skin laxity or cellulite.

The TriBody system has been shown to be effective for patients who are good candidates. 

A clinical study funded by the manufacturer showed an average fat reduction of 8.55% within 12 weeks of a single treatment.

They also claim a reduction in body fat thickness of up to 41% after a series of treatments, and over 95% of patients studied saw improvement in their treatment areas.

Ideal candidates for Venus Bliss MAX fat reduction are close to their ideal weight, with a BMI of 30 or less and pockets of stubborn fat. 

Good candidates for Venus Bliss MAX skin tightening and cellulite treatment have mild to moderate skin laxity or dimpling.

People who are currently pregnant or undergoing IVF, or who have thyroid disorders, internal defibrillators, metal implants, or diseases triggered by exposure to heat are not good candidates for Venus Bliss MAX.

An experienced provider who offers a range of treatment options can help you determine whether this is the best choice for your body, goals, and budget.

Here’s what to expect, depending on the type of treatment you have. If you opt for all three, you’ll have them one after the other. 

Muscle toning

  • Your provider will select the right Velcro belt for your unique treatment area, insert up to four FlexMax applicators, and begin your session.
  • The device features Adaptive Mode technology, with three components: AdapTarget, AdapTrain and AdapTensity. 
  • AdapTarget is designed to target seven different muscle groups (biceps, triceps, abs, obliques, glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps), treating two areas simultaneously. 
  • AdapTrain, which was developed using muscle research, automatically activates muscles through a series of various frequency and intensity settings designed to mimic real workouts and maximize results.
  • AdapTensity, a function designed to replicate muscle memory, automatically adapts the program as your provider adjusts the intensity.
  • If you’re uncomfortable or you feel like you can handle a stronger session, your provider can adjust the intensity.
  • You’ll be done and able to go about your normal activities after 30 minutes.

A typical treatment plan includes four to six sessions, two times per week, with the parameters adjusted as you progress.

Fat reduction

  • You’ll lay down, and your provider will strap the diode laser applicators (usually 2 applicators, but up to 4) to the treatment area. 
  • You’ll feel extreme cold for the first minute, as the applicators cool your skin to help ensure your comfort.
  • Once the lasers switch on, you’ll start to feel a sensation of warmth. You may notice fluctuations in the heat as the lasers switch on and off, but you should never feel “hot spots” or extreme heat; if you do, notify your provider immediately. 
  • The full treatment cycle takes 25 minutes. After that, the applicators will be removed, and you’ll be able to go about your day. 

You’ll be able to resume your regular activities afterward, including working out. 

If your treatment plan includes multiple sessions, you’ll need to book them six weeks apart.

Skin tightening

  • After applying a gel, your provider will glide the skin tightening handpiece over the treatment area. 
  • The handpiece combines thermal multi-polar radio frequency energy with pulsed electro-magnetic fields and VariPulse suction.
  • You’ll feel warmth from the radiofrequency and a light sucking sensation, as well as a massaging from the movement of the electrodes.
  • After 15 or 20 minutes, you’ll be done.

The recommended treatment plan consists of eight skin tightening and cellulite reduction treatments, spaced one week apart.

You can expect optimal results three to six months after your final lipolysis or skin tightening treatment, and 

For muscle toning treatments, you’ll see initial improvements within two to four weeks after your final session, with optimal results visible after eight to 12 weeks.

Lipolysis treatment results can be permanent—once the fat cells have been destroyed and eliminated, they can’t come back. Weight gain can increase the size of the remaining fat cells in the treatment area, so the key to lasting fat reduction results from Venus Bliss MAX treatments is living a healthy lifestyle. 

The skin tightening and cellulite treatment results from Venus Bliss MAX can last for 12 to 18 months. After that, you’ll need maintenance treatments to maintain firmer, smoother skin. 

For muscle toning treatments, you’ll likely want to support your results by working out and weight training on your own, as well as booking maintenance treatments about every six months.

Venus Bliss MAX is considered to be very safe, with no serious side effects. 

Treatment areas may also feel a little tender for a few days afterward (most commonly for 3 days, and more rarely as long as 10), but you should feel good enough to exercise and go about your normal activities. The clinical trial we mentioned earlier noted that most patients had mild redness (erythema), while about half had mild swelling (edema). 

Even with low-risk treatments like this one, it’s always a good idea to see a skilled, well-reviewed treatment provider to help reduce your risk of potential side effects and increase your chance of a good result. 

Updated June 13, 2023

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