Splendor X: What You Need to Know

Written byLindsay KirkmanUpdated on June 13, 2023
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Written byLindsay KirkmanUpdated on June 13, 2023
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The Lumenis Splendor X is an FDA-cleared device that’s most often used for laser hair removal. It’s designed to safely and permanently remove hair anywhere on the body, across all skin types and tones. This versatile laser can also treat a range of other skin concerns, including wrinkles and vascular or pigmented lesions. 

What sets Splendor X apart is its BLEND X technology, which targets hair follicles with two different laser wavelengths: alexandrite (755 nanometer) and Nd:YAG (1064 nanometer). These wavelengths can be synchronized and their level adjusted, based on the individual patient’s skin tone, hair color, and hair thickness. 

The Spendor X is also the first fiber-delivered hair removal laser to use a square-shaped spot (or beam). Unlike the standard round beam of other lasers, this shape enables the provider to deliver more uniform coverage with minimal overlap, decreasing the potential for skipped areas or the kind of overtreatment that can result in burns. This precise alignment also allows for more precision in treating areas with fine borders, like beards. 

This is also the first laser hair removal system with a “smoke evacuator” built into its handpiece, to remove the smoke from vaporized hair. This means that the treatment room remains smoke-free, which is safer for both patient and provider.

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  • The Splendor X laser can be adjusted to a level that’s safe for patients of all skin tones, even type VI on the Fitzpatrick scale.
  • The device’s large, square-shaped spot allows it to treat large areas more rapidly than most lasers, with less risk of overlap and burns.
  • Combining two different laser wavelengths (alexandrite and Nd:YAG) makes it more powerful and requires fewer hair removal sessions than with other lasers.
  • Even a full-body hair removal treatment with Splendor X is relatively quick—under 30 minutes.
  • Downtime and side effects are minimal, as is any discomfort during treatment, thanks to the device’s dual cooling system (DCS). 
  • Beyond hair removal, Splendor X can also treat other skin concerns, including vascular or pigmented lesions, fine lines, and wrinkles.


  • You’ll need multiple treatments, over several weeks (or even months), for optimal results.
  • Some patients can experience mild redness and swelling immediately following treatment, though these side effects should resolve relatively quickly.
  • Because Splendor X is relatively new to the market, few RealSelf members have weighed in yet on their experience. 

RealSelf Tip: For the best results with the fewest potential side effects, find a provider who has several years of experience with laser treatments and knows how best to adjust the laser wavelengths for your skin tone and hair type.

Your provider will likely advise you to stop waxing or tweezing the hair you want to remove for two to six weeks before your treatments, though it’s fine to shave. 

Your body or facial hair will need to be in an active growth phase for the laser to effectively target the melanin in the hair follicle. Your sessions will be scheduled at intervals that align to this phase of growth.

Within 24 hours before your appointment, shave the treatment area, to help the laser light locate your hair follicles. (Stubble can damage the laser and increase the chance of burns.)

Splendor X is an in-office treatment. First, your provider will adjust the laser to suit your skin tone and hair thickness. You’ll be given eye protection, and your provider will do a test pulse in the treatment area, to see if you have any adverse reaction. 

Your provider will then methodically treat one small area at a time, moving the handpiece as they go. With each pulse, the light from the laser energy will destroy the targeted hair follicles. 

You may feel a warm sensation, but discomfort should be minimized by the device’s built-in dual cooling system (DCS), which uses forced air to keep the handpiece and the surface of your skin chilled with each pass. 

A full body can be treated in as little as 30 minutes. You may notice some immediate redness or swelling afterward, but it should resolve in a few hours. 

There’s no downtime, and you can resume regular activities right away. Your provider may advise you to limit sun exposure for a few weeks and be diligent about using sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or more.

Typically, people need six to eight hair removal sessions, every one to two months, to see optimal results. You’ll see some reduction in hair after your first session, but because not all hair in the treatment area will be at the same growth stage at the same time, you’ll need multiple treatments in order to remove all unwanted hair. 

The number of treatments and their cadence can vary by body part, since hair grows more quickly on the face than on the body. At a consultation, your provider will recommend a treatment plan, which will help estimate your total cost.

Like all laser hair removal treatments, Splendor X treatments will permanently and significantly reduce hair growth, but it may not permanently remove all of it. Stray hairs that don’t respond to laser hair removal can be removed via electrolysis.

Splendor X carries fewer risks than some laser hair removal systems, due to the precision of its square spot (which reduces the risk of overlap and burns) and its dual cooling system (DCS). 

However, it is possible for the treatment to trigger changes to skin pigmentation and texture, especially for patients with Fitzpatrick skin types IV through VI. If this is a concern, make sure your provider has experience treating patients with tan, brown, or deep skin tones. 

It’s also still possible for the skin to burn, if your provider isn’t attentive or treats you at an unwisely high setting. 

Avoid any laser treatment if you have active infections or skin inflammation; viral, fungal, or bacterial disease; active cold sores; or open wounds in the area you want to address.

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Updated June 13, 2023



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