How I Told My Daughter About My Rhinoplasty and Eyelid Surgery

Our new series, Why I Did It, shows real people having difficult conversations with friends and family about why they chose to get cosmetic procedures. In the first installment, Jess and her daughter Madison discuss the emotional reasons behind Jess’s decision to get rhinoplasty and blepharoplasty, aka eyelid surgery, in 2015.

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Madison was 12 at the time of her mother’s surgeries, and Jess recalls being especially nervous to tell her. Madison was scared and confused, and Jess says her reaction almost made her reconsider undergoing the procedures. But she had wanted a nose job since she was a teen; she felt that if she were prettier, she’d win her mother’s acceptance. “I perceived, from my mom, that maybe beauty equals more love,” says Jess, so ultimately, she decided to go through with it.

Watch below to find out how the mother-daughter duo navigated the situation and where they stand on plastic surgery today.