How I Convinced My Husband to Support My Mommy Makeover

Our new video series, Why I Did It, shows real people having difficult conversations with friends and family about why they chose to get cosmetic procedures. In the second installment, Hannah and her husband, Joseph, discuss how the changes to Hannah’s body after two pregnancies affected her confidence and led her to get a mommy makeover

“There were days when it felt like my body was not my own,” Hannah says of the postpartum experience. After getting on antidepressants, she gained around 60 pounds and knew she’d struggle with her body image for the rest of her life if she didn’t do something. Initially, Hannah planned on just getting a tummy tuck, to address excess skin and fat and diastasis recti, but later decided to add on a breast lift with implants, liposuction, and a Brazilian butt lift

Joseph was afraid of the potential complications from having multiple surgeries at once, and Hannah second-guessed why she was “risking her life to feel prettier.” But she ultimately knew that she had to undergo surgery for herself. Today, she has no regrets and says her mommy makeover has “done wonders for [her] happiness.”

Watch below to find out how the couple navigated the decision-making process and recovery.