Butt Enhancement

Butt enhancement can improve the shape and size of a flat behind. Here, learn the methods available for achieving your ideal backside.

Butt enhancement can improve the shape and size of a flat behind. Here, learn the methods available for achieving your ideal backside.

Medically reviewed by Johnny Franco, MD, FACSBoard Certified Plastic Surgeon
Written byRebecca DancerUpdated on July 6, 2021
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The buttocks are made up of a group of three muscles: the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus. These are some of the most prominent muscles in the body, and they control movement in the hips and thighs.

On top of the gluteal muscles (aka glutes) is subcutaneous fat. The amount of muscle and fat along the buttocks determines the size of the area. Those with less muscle and less fat will have a flatter appearance along their backside.

Genetics is the main factor behind the shape and size of your buttocks—it determines the size of your glutes and whether you have a predisposition to deposit fat in your derriere.

Other factors that can play a role include:

  • Sitting for long periods of time. Sitting tightens the hip flexors, restricts blood flow as your muscles literally fall asleep, and inflames the gluteal muscles to the point that they forget how to function normally—something that’s known as gluteal amnesia, dormant butt syndrome, or a "dead butt." This weakens the muscles, reducing their volume and flattening your buttocks over time. When one muscle is weak, another is forced to compensate and carry an increased workload. Weak glute muscles can lead to hamstring injuries as well as hip, knee, and lower back pain, as your smaller muscles try to take over movements that should be made by your glutes. The bottom line: toning up your tush doesn’t have only aesthetic benefits: strong glutes can help stave off injuries and lower-body pain. 
  • A sedentary lifestyle. A general lack of exercise also contributes to gluteal amnesia. 
  • Poor posture. Standing with your pelvis tucked under your torso (aka the posterior pelvic tilt) can make your butt look nonexistent. This exaggerated positioning puts your lower back under constant strain and can lead to injuries like herniated discs. 
  • Sleeping in the fetal position. Sleeping on your side also stretches the glute muscles for hours at a time, weakening them further.

Doctors and RealSelf members say these are the most effective options for making a flat butt more round, adding volume and curves.

Sculptra MobileSculptra


Worth It Rating75%77%85%78%
Average Cost$3000$1775$6700$9800
DowntimeNo downtimeMinimal downtime2–6 weeks of downtime2 weeks of downtime
AnesthesiaNo anesthesiaTopical anesthesiaGeneral anesthesiaGeneral anesthesia
  • Sculptra Aesthetic is an injectable biostimulatory filler that’s FDA-approved to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the face, but some doctors use it off label, to add subtle definition and volume to a flat butt with no downtime. It’s made of poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), which boosts the body’s own collagen growth, enabling results to last two to three years—much longer than hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers like Juvéderm or Restylane. Providers who offer this treatment typically recommend three treatments, over the course of a few months, for the best results. A temporary plumping effect may take place right after injection—this is essentially water weight, which quickly disappears. Over the next few months, collagen production gradually ramps up, with maximum results appearing four to six months after your first session.  Because so many vials of the filler are needed for the buttocks area, the cost of a Sculptra butt lift can be much higher than that of Sculptra for the face. “The buttocks need numerous vials of Sculptra, over time, to build volume—and in some instances, the results are subtle and will need to be combined with fat or implants, to achieve the desired results,” explains Dr. Jason Emer, a dermatologic surgeon in West Hollywood, California.  Find doctors who offer Sculptra Aesthetic
  • Emsculpt and Emsculpt Neo use high-intensity focused electromagnetic technology to deliver electromagnetic pulses to the gluteal muscles, creating contractions and activating more muscle fibers than normal exercise is capable of. One 30-minute session with the classic Emsculpt device produces nearly 20,000 muscle contractions (an amount equal to doing 20,000 squats), triggering cellular changes that make the muscles grow bigger and stronger. Emsculpt Neo, the latest version of Emsculpt, delivers up to 20% more electromagnetic pulses than the original. When it's used elsewhere (like the abdomen, upper arms, thighs, and calves), Emsculpt and Emsculpt Neo can reduce fat, but the treatment protocol for the buttocks doesn’t burn fat. That’s a plus, since many people don’t want to lose volume there.  The manufacturer of Emsculpt recommends an initial series of four sessions over two weeks, spaced two to five days apart. An annual follow-up session and regular exercise that targets the gluteal muscles will maintain your results. Find doctors who offer Emsculpt
  • Brazilian butt lift (BBL) is a surgical procedure that uses your own body fat to add volume and curves to flat buttocks. A plastic surgeon extracts fat via liposuction from the stomach, back, flanks, or thighs, then injects it into the butt cheeks and hips. The combination of liposculpting and fat transfer creates an hourglass shape. Good BBL candidates have enough body fat elsewhere to harvest and transfer. Results can be unpredictable, since about 40% of the transferred fat naturally gets absorbed by the body during the first several months after the procedure.  The procedure comes with three to four weeks of downtime, when you need to avoid sitting or other activities that put pressure on the rear. The BBL is one of the most researched and reviewed surgeries on RealSelf—but it has risks. If you’re considering a BBL, confirm that your prospective provider is a board-certified plastic surgeon who’s educated about the potential risks and latest safety guidelinesFind doctors who offer BBL
  • Butt implant surgery can contour and enhance the buttocks. Unlike breast implants, which are made of silicone gel, butt implants are made of firmer, semisolid silicone—so there’s no worry of leaking or rupture.  Implants can be a good option for people who don’t have enough fat for a Brazilian butt lift (BBL) or want to avoid its risks (though butt implants come with their own set of potential complications, such as infection, pain, and malposition). Implants may also provide a rounder shape, with more projection than a BBL and more predictable results.  Size plays a big role in how natural your results will look. “Butt implants, much like breast implants, come in a variety of sizes and shapes,” explains Dr. Johnny Franco, a plastic surgeon in Austin, Texas. There are also various implant shapes, including round or oval options.  Downtime for this procedure is typically two weeks, and you'll need to avoid sitting for several weeks after the surgery as you heal. Find doctors who offer butt implant surgery

Related: 8 Products Plastic Surgeons Recommend for a Successful Brazilian Butt Lift Recovery

To build the gluteal muscles, start with 10 minutes of brisk walking or stair climbing for every hour you spend sitting and then add specific glute exercises, to help strengthen your glutes and boost volume.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, three daily sets of exercises, such as side-lying leg lifts and lunges, can help wake up and build these muscles. Alternating between exercises, with cardio and strength-training, can go a long way toward building a more voluminous butt and ensure that you work all muscle groups. Incorporate exercises like hip thrusts that stretch out your hip flexors, which tighten up when you sit too long.

Activating this group of muscles that runs across the front of your hips can also help correct posterior pelvic tilt.

You can also use running to reshape your butt by increasing resistance. There are various ways to do this, including running on hills or stairs (if you’re running on a treadmill, simply adjust the incline or choose a program that simulates hills). Because you’re lifting your body weight up a slope, uphill sprints build muscle mass and power, making your glutes bigger.

Related: 4 Alternatives to a BBL That Can Give You a Bigger, Perkier Butt

Updated July 6, 2021


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