Male: This is the largest independent aesthetic conference in North America because of the amount of lectures, the quality of the faculty, the diversity of lectures and the fact that it’s multispecialty.

Male: But when you come to a meeting like this and you bring together world-renown experts in the various subspecialties in a multispecialty manner, you have the opportunity here with the state of the art from people that you trust and respect and it definitely alters the way that you practice and the way we treat our patients.

Female: We all have a lot of overlap in what we do. We all trained in completely different areas. So our background in residency and fellowship has all been completely different. I think it’s really important with that overlap to learn from each other.

Male: None of us has all of the answers. We always know that we can learn something from someone else at another specialty who has perhaps a different background and their daily practice. They do things differently and you sort of call out the things that don’t work and you focus on the things that do work.

Male: At this very meeting, you had the presence of the ASPS, ASEPS, AAFPRS, AOHNS, derm society, derm surg society, oculoplastic society, and ophthalmology. All eight people in the same room at the same conference table. That has never happened before. It’s only because of VCS.

Male: It’s satisfying teaching one fellow or one student, but there’s nothing like participating in the process of elevating the entire specialty and I think that’s what drives those of us who give up a lot of personal time. We have a lot of other things we could be doing, to keep coming back here year after year.

Male: I’ve just been proud of the exchange of ideas. Because if you’re doing volunteer surgery which I’ve done many, it stops with the patient. But when you can share ideas and the persons can take the ideas and improve and bring them back, it helps the patients the most.

Male: As an aesthetic physician, I find that this meeting is I’ve called it my Sistine Chapel in the past because there’s such a great wealth of knowledge and great lectures and attendees.

Male: Each year, I brought more of my staff. Two years ago, I brought my immediate director. Last year, I brought my office management, my immediate director, and this year, I also brought my PA. But I think what’s been great is we’ve been able to take what we’ve learned from this meeting both from a surgical and procedure standpoint as well as from an office management standpoint and take that back to Tampa and we’ve been able to integrate that into our practice.

Male: It was a meeting put together at the right time by the right person with the vision with the right ingredients in terms of what the content is.

Male: The portions that are new in terms of techniques and in terms of technological advancements which are many in this day and age. This is the place to see them first. This is the place to have lectures on them first and this is the place where the exhibitors display those technologies first.

Male: People who have been influential and the genesis of this meeting, not just me. I’m just one person that kind of pulls everybody together. So I’m the choreographer but I have a lot of dancers and actors and all those people just really are responsible for that success.

Male: Clearly this is the cracks of where we’re going. The future of aesthetic medicine is no doubt the aesthetic body is coming together. We all know it. It has to happen. What Randy has done is it’s not just particular meeting. It’s actually initiated a new movement, a new way of thinking in cosmetic medicine and plastic surgeon aesthetic medicine.

Male: In five years, I have seen this conference grow from several hundred to several thousands. It’s just an incredible conference that gets bigger and bigger every year. There’re more vendors to display newer products and services every year. There’re more attendees every year and there’re more practice management lectures each and every year as well. It’s never going to get too big. It’s only going to get better.

Vegas Cosmetic Surgery & Aesthetic Dermatology - 10th anniversary in Las Vegas

Vegas Cosmetic Surgery is celebrating its 10th anniversary. VCS was initiated to foster a spirit of cooperation and understanding between the “core” specialties of facial plastic surgery, plastic surgery, dermatology and oculoplastic surgery.