A medial thigh lift is a surgery that removes excess skin and fat from your inner thighs. This is designed for patients who are dissatisfied with the shape of their legs, and can be very beneficial especially for patients who would like to remove excess skin after an extreme weight loss. The goal of this procedures is to improve the appearance of your inner thighs by removing the dimpled look of the skin and redundancy. During a medial thigh lift, an incision is made in the groin that goes into the back of the crease of the buttocks. This incision does leave a scar in the groin line, but it fades in time and can be hidden by a bathing suit. A medial thigh lift usually lasts several hours, and can be an outpatient procedure, and rarely requires a short hospital stay.

The "Thigh Gap" Lives, Thanks to This Popular Procedure

Dr. Kevin Tehrani explains that a medial thigh lift is a surgery that removes excess skin and fat from your inner thighs, which could give patients the thigh gap they never had.