So our next question comes from Real Self. And the question, I think, is from the northeastern part of the States is, when are we going to see the results of our Thermitight? Well, the great thing about Thermitight is once we actually even come off the table before we do a little wrap for you, we hand you the mirror and you get to see the results. Now, the next couple of days, there will be some swelling, there will be some changes that go on underneath as we are tightening up that skin, as well as either removing that fat or melting that fat. And so when the patients come in for a followup visit, usually we'll results in one month, but they even get better after three months and six months and 12 months. And that's the great thing about Thermi as you can continue to mature over the next year, you're going to continue to see those great results. So way up there in northeast, we hope to see you soon.

The Results From Thermi Are Immediate and Continue to Get Better

Dr. Edward Dickerson answers a RealSelf question about how immediate Thermi results are, noting that patients will be able to see results right after the treatment, then the area will continue to improve over the next few months.