Labiaplasty is becoming a more and more popular procedure in the United States. I'm seeing more and more consults for patients who wish to undergo labiaplasty. The process of labiaplasty is the removal of extra skin and the tissue of the labiamanora. Reasons to undergo this procedure include; painful intercourse, discomfort with exercise or normal daily activities, and desire to improve the aesthetic appearance of the external vagina.

I have done this procedure both under local anesthesia in the office as well as in the operating them under formal general anesthesia. In both those instances, my patients have done quite well.

There are different techniques. I use both the wedge technique and amputation technique. And I vary the choice this technique based on patient's desires, I'll simulate to the patient kind of what tissue is going to be removed, and often we use them to help me make my decision.

When we perform this technique, in both instances of general or just local anesthesia I do use local anesthesia in both cases. This help with bleeding prevention as well as post operative pain control.

Once we remove the extra tissue, we then perform a closure with all-absorbable sutures. These sutures are left in position, and will absorb typically within two to four weeks. There is significant amount of swelling after labiaplasty and this takes a minimum of two weeks, but we usually about four for all this to go away.

During the healing time, patients can't put anything in their vagina for at least six weeks, and I see my patients very closely to make sure they are healing in an appropriate fashion.

Most often patients don't have any problems, they are very happy with the results.

Thank you very much.

Sex After Labiaplasty: When's the Right Time?

Dr. Gaurav Bharti reveals that labiaplasty is becoming more and more popular in the United States. He discusses the rules that need be followed during the healing process, and when a patient will be able to have sex following the procedure.