Typically you can go through the same incision that the patient already has so you don't add any new scars to the patient. You actually cut out the old scar, do your work, replace the implant and you can adjust the pocket or change the size or the shape of the implant if a patient so wishes. You close the incision up nice and neat, and then have a nice good looking scar once again.

In general, I think if the patient has a good rapport, a good relationship with her original doctor, I think that's great because the original doctor knows best about what was done. Most often the original surgeon will give the patient a price break. Economically it's much more reasonable to do.

If the patient's either been through that or has lost faith in the original surgeon or the original surgeon is not understanding what the patient wants or other factors like that, sometimes we see these patients at our office and well kinda go through all the things that are happening with their breasts. We'll talk about, "Can we fix it? Is there a high probability that we can make it work? Or is it something that is just beyond the scope of what's currently feasible with the techniques and methods that we have?"

It's really important in those revision cases to really communicate really clearly with the patient and say, "Okay, I think we can fix A, B and C. We can improve maybe D, E and F, but items G, H and I probably are not correctable and that we think that the surgery will be a success if we get these things over here done." We have to be realistic about it.

Revision Breast Augmentation: The Procedure and Scarring

Revision breast augmentation is typically a very simple procedure, according to Dr. Thomas Fiala, but the emotional aspect is very different.