So at ABCD, or now
they sometimes say ABCDE, is the
changes associated with a melanoma,
as compared to a normal appearing mole.
So compared to a normal mole, melanomas
would have these ABCDEs. So A stands
for asymmetry, meaning if
you cut it in half,
one half doesn't equal
the other half as far
as size and shape.
B stands for border, instead
of a nice smooth border,
it has an irregular
or jagged or blurred border. C stands
for color, so variation of color within
the lesion, or any of the
colors red, white, blue or black. D stands for diameter,
about the size of a pencil eraser. Now
while you might have -- so things bigger than
a pencil eraser are
more suspicious, let's say.
Now while you might have one or two
of those characteristics, it doesn't mean
that you have melanoma, it just means
you're somewhat suspicious. It's one of
those, if you have
something that has a
couple of those characteristics, you
probably should see your dermatologist.
And that leads also to E, which stands for
elevation. So -- or, evolution, I'm sorry.
E stands for evolution, which talks about
change in the mole, so if there's any
change in the mole,
if it's getting bigger or
darker or bleeding,
or some kind of change, then
you should see your dermatologist.

Possible Signs of Skin Cancer

Dr. Andrew Kaufman discusses possible signs of skin cancer.