A Mommy Makeover is a major life event because it usually consists of several procedures. Most commonly, a tummy tuck and something to the breast, either a breast lift or breast reduction or breast augmentation or combination of those procedures, and it is a big hit. It's a big hit to the abdomen, less to the chest, but I think the most important thing for a woman to understand with Mommy Makeover is they have got to give themselves time to heal.

And I always recommend that women obviously wait until they're done having children and I think it's important for that youngest child to be out of diapers, into a toddler bed, and be able to climb into a car seat on their own. That way she doesn't have to lift that baby and they absolutely have got to get support from their husbands, other family members or friends.

I tell patients you need to be queen of the house for two weeks where you are not looking after anybody but yourself. I think that's really important. If women try to push it and particularly working moms and moms who volunteer at school and do a lot of things outside the home. They are used to go, go, go, go, go, and they think they can do it all, and a Mommy Makeover is going to lay them low for a while. It's important to know that.

Mommy Makeover Patient Advice: Give Yourself Time to Heal

The best advice Dr. Lisa Sowder can offer a consumer considering a Mommy Makeover? Give yourself time to relax and recover.