[Dr. Hruza] We generate a lotta scars,
but we also patients get scars from
various, uh, sources, from acne, very
common, or from traumatic, from accidents,
injuries. And, so, we see a lot of
patients with scars, and until recently we
didn't have a great things that we could
do for scars. We could some things we can
do to improve them. But now... we have a
lot of options to help with scars. And I
think of scars more as three main types.
There are the... thin scars, we call 'em
atrophic scars, depressed scars, and we
have hypertrophic, or thick scars. And
then keloid, which is these overgrown,
cauliflower, huge scars. And each of those
can be treated now, and improved, with
various ways. So if you have a depressed
scar, we have these lasers, uh,
fractionated lasers or one called Fraxel,
uh, where the laser puts down thousands of
injury spots, and it remodels, reworks the
skin, and actually fi-, helps, uh, create
new collagen to re-create the normal-,
approaches normal skin. So you improve
those that way. If you get a hypertrophic
scar, it's a thick scar, you can use
another laser to take out redness, Pulse
Dye laser. You can use one of these abla-,
a fractionated again, lasers with, with
these injury spots that can, uh, remodel
the scar, and flatten it down and blend it
in. And you can also make ho-, little
holes with lasers. Tiny, microscopic
holes. And then you can put medicine,
which can help flatten the scar even
further. So all these things together
really can make a big difference in scars.

How to Get Rid of Scars

George J. Hruza discusses the modern treatment options for scars.