What is a mommy makeover surgery? A mommy makeover is a combined surgical procedure that involves both breast rejuvenation and abdominal rejuvenation to improve on the changes that occur following pregnancy. The breast procedure may be a breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction or augmentation mastopexy which is simultaneous placement of breast implants and breast lift surgery.

The abdominal procedure may be a mini tummy tuck, a full abdominoplasty, or perhaps a reverse upper and modified lower abdominoplasty. The surgical procedures that are chosen should be custom-tailored to each patient's individual needs.

Patients ask me what the most important consideration is with mommy makeover surgery, and for me it's this. You're a mommy. You have little ones that are counting on you. You have a husband that's counting on you and so patients safety is the most important consideration. You may be in the operating room for three hours if it's a breast augmentation and mini tummy tuck or perhaps seven hours if it's a breast reduction and major abdominoplasty. Make sure that the surgeon you're seeing is Board Certified and highly experienced. Expect to see many, many photographs, before and after photographs of mommy makeover patients. And ask to see if you can speak with patients in the practice who've undergone a mommy makeover surgery.

Make sure that your surgery is being performed in an accredited surgical facility and that your anesthesia is being provided by a Board Certified MD anesthesiologist whose present in the operating room for the entire surgical procedure. Make sure that the staff is skilled and highly experienced and ask to see the operating room facility and even meet the staff, if it would make you more comfortable.

Make sure that the facility has the capability to keep you overnight as opposed to sending you home that day to fend for yourself. Ideally patients were observed overnight under the care of RNs and released the next morning after a visit by the physician. Make sure that the practice has a preventive approach to pain control so that you can quickly get back to routine activities of daily living. And make sure the follow up appointments are frequent, especially early on, so that your progress can be closely monitored.

When you're considering a mommy makeover surgery, do your homework, have a checklist, and if the surgeon and the facility meets all of these criteria, then you'll be setup to have a great result and to have a great experience as a surgical patient.

Don't Gamble With Your Mommy Makeover Surgeon

Dr. Michael Law explains what a Mommy Makeover means and why it's so important to find the best surgeon to perform your procedure.