Any woman who's had kids can be potentially an excellent candidate for a mommy makeover procedure. Whether you're a good candidate or not will depend on a couple things: your overall health status, so we'll look at your past medical history, your past surgical history, and your overall health status to determine if there are any medical issues that need to be addressed before any elective surgery.

Number two, if you've had kids, if you're dealing with the challenges of post-pregnancy changes to the abdominal wall, where you have loose skin, those pesky stretch marks, or bulging that can often be very difficult and can not be corrected with any amount of diet and exercise, and of course if you're dealing with the challenges of post-pregnancy changes to the breasts. Sagging, loss of volume, or both are common complaints that I hear from my patients who are moms.

What Makes a Good Candidate for Mommy Makeover?

Dr. Bob Basu discusses who the ideal candidate for the Mommy Makeover is. He explains that post-pregnancy challenges such as sagging breasts and loose abdominal skin, are common reasons to have a Mommy Makeover.