GentleLase: What You Need to Know

Written byJulie RicevutoUpdated on June 13, 2023
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Written byJulie RicevutoUpdated on June 13, 2023
You can trust RealSelf content to be unbiased and medically accurate. Learn more about our content standards.

GentleLase is a powerful laser, intended to permanently remove hair on light to medium skin tones. Its Alexandrite laser emits high-energy light in longer wavelengths than those of other lasers, so it can destroy deeper hair follicles. It can be used on any part of the body, but popular treatment areas include the legs, underarms, bikini zone, face, chest, and back.

Providers usually recommended that patients stop waxing or plucking hair in the desired area several weeks prior to treatment, to ensure the laser can effectively locate and destroy the hair follicles. However, you’ll need to shave the area two days before your session so you have only light stubble.

You’ll also need to stop using salicylic or glycolic acid on the treatment area, a month in advance, as well as any self-tanning lotions, for two weeks prior.

If you’re on antibiotics or any acne medication that may make you sensitive to UV rays, let your doctor know, since this can also affect your pre- and post-treatment care. 

At your appointment, your provider will start by applying a topical numbing cream. RealSelf members report that while the laser can feel uncomfortable, like a rubber band snapping against the skin, it’s not painful.

As the device moves over the treatment area, you’ll feel a cooling sensation, from cryogen technology that improves comfort and prevents damage to your skin. 

You’ll be able to resume your daily activities immediately after your treatment, but your skin may feel sensitive, so avoid wearing anything that might irritate it further. Shaving can be resumed after four or five days, and don’t wax, bleach, or pluck any hair in the treatment area between your laser hair removal sessions. For two weeks after your appointment, use a gentle cleanser and avoid exfoliating. In between sessions, avoid direct sun exposure —which can cause skin damage, irritation, and hyperpigmentation—and use a sunblock of SPF 30 or higher.

Your provider should track your progress and schedule visits, based on how much hair continues to grow between sessions. You may see progress after only one session, but it’s common to need as many as eight, depending on the area being treated and your particular hair-growth pattern. Sessions are generally spaced one to two months apart, to keep skin from developing hyperpigmentation and allow for new hair growth.

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  • The device’s design allows it to destroy deep hair follicles that other lasers may not be able to reach.
  • Patients with light to medium skin can see substantial results after just one treatment. 
  • It can reduce spots and freckles, in some mild cases.
  • GentleLase can be significantly more affordable than other laser hair removal treatments. 


  • GentleLase will not work on olive or brown skin; it can cause permanent scarring and hyperpigmentation. 
  • Final results can take months to see, since most patients require anywhere from three to eight treatment sessions.

Updated June 13, 2023



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