Procedures I'm known for

Breast Surgery
At Gryskiewicz Twin Cities Cosmetic Surgery, I specialize in Quick Recovery Breast Augmentation, also known as the “no-touch technique.” This innovative approach uses special instruments and techniques to minimize tissue damage and avoid rib contact during the breast augmentation procedure (hence the term “no-touch”), causing far less trauma to the surrounding tissue when compared to traditional approaches. Quick Recovery Breast Augmentation can dramatically reduce patients’ discomfort following the procedure, as well as their recovery time. After I began using this technique, my team and I interviewed each patient post-operatively to assess the results. We discovered that 95 percent of women returned to normal daily activities within 24 hours. I now recommend this technique for almost all of my patients interested in breast augmentation. It is certainly the most common surgical procedure for me personally, performing over 300 per year.
Post-Pregnancy Procedures
Dr. Gryskiewicz is a Board Certified in Plastic Surgery & a Clinical Professor at the U of Minnesota. The mission of Dr. Joe and his office staff is "to serve & be kind." Specializing in Breast and body work.


Contact Dr. Gryskiewicz
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