Procedures I'm known for

Face and Neck Lifts
Facial aging occurs as a result of gravitational effects on facial soft tissue and skin as well as volume loss in the face. These changes contribute to a tired, angry and aged appearance. Additionally, gravitational changes contribute to a widening of the jawline and loss of the highly desired youthful heart-shaped appearance. Face and neck lift surgery directly treats these signs of aging to restore a refreshed and youthful facial appearance. The procedure is customized to meet each patient’s needs, allowing for natural and beautiful results without the "pulled" or artificial look many patients fear. Dr. Alemi specializes in aging face procedure and has performed hundreds of aging face procedures. He utilizes the deep plane technique which provides patients with a natural, long-lasting result.
Rhinoplasty and Nose Shaping
Primary and revision rhinoplasty are very individualized procedures tailored to each patient. Throughout the consultation process, our goal is to learn about each patient's aesthetic desires and devise a surgical plan that addresses these concerns directly. Open and closed approaches are performed to achieve a natural result creating harmony with the face and accentuating facial features without creating a "done" appearance. With a background in head & neck surgery, Dr. Alemi has is uniquely qualified in both functional and aesthetic rhinoplasty and has performed hundreds of rhinoplasty procedures.

Contact Dr. Alemi
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